Inclined Bed Therapy
Vibration Exercise
Ear Ache
Black Salve for skin "cancers"
Mount Abscess
Deep Blue by doTerra for pain
DMSO for many things
Worming with Diatomaceous Earth
Treating Paralytic tick poisoning in dogs
Inclined Bed Therapy:
Yes it has reportedly worked for a whole lot of things. People with diabetes, MS, spinal cord injury, bladder issues, fluid retention, headaches, epilepsy and psoriasis amongst others report improvement in their conditions.
Simply raise your bed 15cm at the head, so the bed slopes down toward your feet. The optimum angle is 5 degrees.
Andrew Fletcher concluded that thicker sap full of nutrient from the leaves flowing down a tree created an up flow of thinner sap. He then wondered if this principle would apply to human circulation. The short story is that improved circulation improves organ function, and healing.
There are no bad side effects and we had the bricks already so it cost nothing.
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Ancient Egyptian bed with elevated head end and foot board |
No more snoring - I can sleep without ear plugs
Get up with less stiffness in the joints
Less midnight trips to the bathroom
No back ache in the night.
Less swelling in feet and hands during the day in summer.
Since having a major head injury my husband has had fungal issues. I have not had to treat his feet or toe nails (this was constant for 8 years) for fungal conditions since we put the bed end up.
He also has suffered Capillaratis (breaking of the capillaries in his lower legs and feet) which leaves that brown marking under the skin. This is very mild now.
His left leg that is affected by the right side head injury, is no long cold and clammy and has more feeling in it. His foot bothers him a lot now and I need to massage it every day. This only used to happened when he had improvements in the condition of his leg.
Initially I raised it about 10cm then went to 15cm (full height). It looks quite steep, but I had got used to the small inclination till I didn't even notice it.
I recommend you don't wear satin nightwear on satin sheets.
Vibration Exercise
The vibration platform has been the single best therapy my husband has had since a traumatic head injury from a serious motor vehicle accident in which he died 3 times, suffered 12 fractures besides the shattering of his left pelvis and facial bones, with a total of 16 diagnoses.
Entering a shop to buy a leg press machine, the salesman told my husband that he had come to either buy an exercise bike or a leg press machine,but "that isn't what you need." He continued to tell my husband that he had a head injury and he needed a vibration platform. After explaining it all to him and giving him 1 minute on the machine, he came home slept for 2 hours and them did some research on vibration. He went back and purchased it that day and hasn't regretted it once.

Everything in nature works on vibration and this is just harnessing it.
There are many conditions that benefit from this therapy. One caution is not to buy a cheaply made machine as they can harm people. Check reviews before purchase.
*Extreme fatigue and "brain fog" is a big thing with a head injury and this has helped clear his mind.
*Reduced pain and stiffness in damaged joints.
*Keloid scaring has nearly disappeared. This was ugly to look at, irritating (very itchy) and limited joint movement.
He was told that he would need a knee replacement within 5 years of the accident and they are prepared to do it when ever he tells them he has had enough of the pain. Since using the Hypervibe, he is pain free in his damaged knee 9 years on.
Tea Tree Oil (Melaluca)
Put Tea Tree oil neat on burn (I have only done this where it blistered) and the intense pain began to diminish immediately and was hardly noticeable in 10 minutes. Normally I hurt badly for a long time with burns.
Medical attention is needed for serious burns.
Tea Tree Oil
After suffering hives when I was young and being covered in Calamine lotion I seemed just to be pink and itchy. Then I would use antihistamines (which took 2 days to work). I overheard a lady in shop telling a friend about the use of Tea Tree Oil.
I placed it neat on my children's hives. Two of them had incredible results with the itch disappearing nearly immediately and the welt having gone by the end of the day.
One of my children had little result from it. Having learnt more about essential oils since I would try other oils to see if another would be more effective in this sort of case.
Ear Ache
Onion Juice
Impressive. My daughter had so many ear infections she was going to have grommets inserted. A friend told me about onion juice. We never had to visit the doctor with ear infections again.
Peel the onion, microwave it (or what ever your alternative is) till it is soft. Using tongs squeeze the juice out. You wont get a lot. Let it cool till it wont burn YOUR skin ( I would use the inside of my my wrist where it is softest) then using a dropper, with your child laying on their opposite side, put 3 or 4 drops into the ear canal. The pain should go straight away. Repeat in the morning (usually they would be distressed at night, so the first dose was when they were in bed). I only ever had to do 2 doses to be effective.
Magnesium oil.
We rarely use paracetamol and ibuprofen now . Most headaches are due to muscle tension and the relief is almost instant. We found this extremely effective and so simple, inexpensive and safe.
Measure out equal weights of Magnesium Chloride (absorbs better than Magnesium Sulphate - Epsom Salts) and water (distilled or reverse osmosis filtered) and dissolve.
You can add a few drops of Peppermint and Lavender Essential oils to increase its effectiveness.
Apply to back of neck and temples. Most convenient to use in a roll of bottle.
Black Salve for skin "cancers".
I have used it and achieved the results I was hoping for.
After making inquiries amongst friends, I found some who had used it or personally known others who had. I was given some (you only need a little bit). I had a few spots on my face that had become roughened, stingy and some reddened in recent years. I had seen my mother go through the revolving door of standard treatment for these.
After application, I covered them (reduce social engagements) and waited. The marks on my face became painful, but a mark on my back that I applied the Black Salve had no reaction at all. The facial marks "festered" and about two weeks later the centres dropped out. They healed up and I have no problem with them.
I have seen horrible photos and warnings by doctors but I think that people don't realise how big the growths are sometimes and panic.
Black Salve does not "burn" healthy tissue.
Black Salve on my dog
My Jack Russell Terrier had a lump on her leg. I first noticed it when it was a bit bigger than a pea. A few weeks later it was about the size of a finger nail. The lump was free moving and hairless but otherwise unremarkable.
I found veterinary web sites that said they used it but recommended veterinary care.
I cut her hair around the lump, applied Black Salve to it and covered it with a sticky plaster. About 4 days later she had pulled the plaster off and the centre of the lump was "festering". I put another plaster on but that didn't last long. She did lick it and a scab formed in the centre. It became quite dry. After about 10 days the centre of the lump dropped out leaving a clean hole with raised sides.
The hole left, healed but the lump is still there. Because of the difficulty putting a plaster on this part of the dog and keeping it covered I am trying a different treatment. See the heading on DMSO.
Result It healed up in time the rest of the lump has gone.
It is illegal to sell or import Black Salve in many countries.
It is not illegal to buy the ingredients. Directions (which are simple) on how to make it are available on the internet.
Black Salve has a long history of use including in hospitals in times past.
It is reported that there are no documented cases of any one dying from use of Black Salve and many people believe it is just another treatment for cancer that is suppressed because of its low cost and effectiveness.
Black Salve Recipe
Graviola Powder 50g (soursop or Brazilian paw paw. Classified with pineapple)
Bloodroot powder 50g (a wild poppy from North America)
Galangal root powder 50g (Blue or Siamese Ginger)
Chaparral 50g (known as creosote bush and used by native American Indians)
Vegetable glycerine 25g
Zinc Chloride 250g
DMSO Dimethyl Sulfoxide 25g
Distilled Water 500ml
Weigh out the 4 powders.
Pour 500ml of distilled water into a pot then add 250g of Zinc Chloride to water. Bring this mixture to the boil stirring frequently ensuring there are no lumps.
Pour 500ml of distilled water into a pot then add 250g of Zinc Chloride to water. Bring this mixture to the boil stirring frequently ensuring there are no lumps.
Zinc Chloride has not burned any of my healthy tissue despite warnings saying it does.
Add dry herbs to the simmering mixture, stirring till
there are no lumps
Once it is a smooth consistency add 25ml of DMSO,
stirring. This acts as a carrier and takes the formula deep into
the tissues.
You may have to add Glycerine and simmer.
It should not be runny but have a paste like consistency
It is best to use after letting it sit at room
temperature for 2 days. Store in separate jars in fridge.
It will keep indefinitely but should it dry over
time, add a little more distilled water to rehydrate it.
Mouth Abscess
Clove Oil: The germicidal properties of Clove Oil make it very effective for relieving dental pain, tooth ache, sore gums and mouth ulcers.
Clove Oil: The germicidal properties of Clove Oil make it very effective for relieving dental pain, tooth ache, sore gums and mouth ulcers.
After having a dental procedure I developed an abscess over the next few days, with pain and swelling on my jaw. This obvious lump was very tender. I used Clove Oil and the improvement was immediate with the inflammation completely disappearing in 2 days.
Because Clove oil can "burn", I added it to Coconut oil in a small piece of gauze and bound it tightly, placing this small wadding down in the gum and leaving it there while the oils slowly leaked out. I reapplied this two more times through the day. It was unnoticeable and not unpleasant.
Because Clove oil can "burn", I added it to Coconut oil in a small piece of gauze and bound it tightly, placing this small wadding down in the gum and leaving it there while the oils slowly leaked out. I reapplied this two more times through the day. It was unnoticeable and not unpleasant.
Deep Blue by DoTerra or Homemade
This is a very effective pain relieving oil blend. It has given the best natural pain relief to my husbands knee since the leg was broken, knee cap broken in half and tendon torn off the shin. It has been 8 years now and he was told he would need a knee replacement within 5 years.
DoTerra is very expensive and while I haven't used other brand blends I am sure there are others that are effective.
Because of the cost of Deep Blue, I brought small bottles of most of the individual oils DoTerra uses in Deep Blue and made up my own mix with equal portions of these oils. I like to add DMSO in my essential oil mix's because of the superb carrying effect it has as well as its own anti inflammatory and pain relieving qualities. Some of these oils are expensive but I do get a far greater volume for the price than by buying DoTerra and we have found it does the job. I can't say its better or equal but if it does the job we are not disadvantaged in using my mix.
2ml Helichrysum Essential oil
2ml Menthol
2ml Wintergreen oil
2ml German Chamomile oil
21ml DMSO 90%
21ml Coconut Oil or Neem Oil which I have used more recently because of its active properties. 50ml bottle.
Neem oil is an amazing oil for all manner of health benefits. It is not an essential oil and can be used in higher concentrations. Neem stinks but is covered by the wintergreen/menthol smell.
While researching dog illnesses (I am not vaccinating my pups and want to be familiar with dog illnesses and treatments), I came across several references to DMSO. I also did some reading on this product as I was unfamiliar with it even though I have some for the Black Salve ingredients.
About 30 000 medicals studies have been done on this product and there are multiple case studies that show amazing benefits. The worst possible side effects known are a skin rash, hives and a garlic odour on the body. It is this garlic odour that prevents double blind research as patient and doctor know who is on the product and who is taking a placebo. Apparently this is the reason the FDA (US) refuse to approve it for human use. It is used in other countries
I have made up a blend of DMSO, Frankincense and coconut oil to apply to the lump on my dogs leg and am applying this two or three times a day. It doesn't matter if she licks it but hasn't while I have watched her.
At the same time, I had used the Black Salve to remove what I call an old persons skin growth that had become an irritation to me (I have had one burnt off by a doctor in the past. I found that very painful). The first application left a crusty, black, loose scab that came off. This only removed about half of the lump. I reapplied the black salve after a few days. This time I could really feel it working as it became a lot more painful than the first application.
A few days later the redness around the lump began to spread out. When it got to about 3-4cm across I became concerned that this inflammation would become serious if not treated. I used the DMSO blend I had with the Frankincense. I swabbed it on the reddened area twice that afternoon and noted the decrease in the pain and redness the next morning. I repeated this twice the second day. The reddened area had reduced by half. On the third day the redness had receded back to a rim around the blackened lump and the pain had reduced a lot.
Ten days after applying the black salve, the entire lump dropped out leaving a clean hole about 5-7mm deep and there is very little redness.
I have used the DMSO and Frankincense mix for infections around my finger nails and it is impressive how quickly the swelling reduces and the infection disappears. I have made this mix for my husband for cellulitis on his leg (poor circulation after head injury) and it is truly impressive how quickly it clears it up.
I add DMSO to carrier oil for essential oils, for use on skin. Not only does it assist in essential oils being absorbed into the body but I am happy for the other benefits it has.
I also use DMSO in my homemade muscle rubs.
Worms - Dogs and Humans
Food grade Diatomaceous Earth controls internal parasites by piercing their protective coating with its sharp edges. It can eliminate roundworms, whipworms, pinworms and hookworms in dogs within seven days of being fed daily. To be most effective add it to their food daily to get newly hatching eggs.
You can also use it to dust on the dogs fur for fleas. Dusting on the dogs bedding will control other external parasites and flies.
It appears that DE does not treat heart worm.
Give 1 Tablespoon of food grade DE in large dogs and 1 teaspoon per day in puppy and small dog food.
Make sure it is food grade DE and take care not to inhale the fine dust as it is silica.
There is a lot of information on it's internal use and benefit for humans.
I have excellent success using DE and a clove of garlic for worming my 2 dogs. They are little so one clove is a good dose for both of them.
Paralytic Tick Remedy
Iodine. Yes that's it.
I was told a farmer told a friend who told a friend that he only ever used iodine for paralytic tick. 1 drop on a cats tongue and it is cured (remove the tick safely of course). A reliable report also told of using Frankincense oil on the dogs paws (which it licked) saving its life.
I do not use commercial flea and worm medicine. It wasn't working and just poisoning my dogs.
I should be more diligent with vinegar and Rose Geranium oil but get slack because they don't get fleas now (which I attribute to a good diet).
So I thought my dog got temporarily poisoned from eating a tree frog (I saw it). I gave her Vit C. but after a day it was worse when she should be getting better. Her back legs started to go on her and I searched and found a tick.
Unfortunately I got emotional and lost my confidence and took her to the vet. Kindly my husband paid the bill against his better judgement. Two nights in hospital and $650 and one bad mannered vet later, she came home better.
Knowing that wont happen again I made an emergency box up for my dogs with instructions written on the flap. Homeopathic kit, Vit C for injection (snake bite), Iodine, Frankincense Oil. Echinacea (snake bite).
Two months later a friend is looking after my dog and she gets another paralytic tick. My friend prayed for the dog and followed the instructions. Remove tick, give Iodine and Vit C in water and some of the homeopathic drops (not sure which ones).
Happy dog. No issues. No vet bill. Probably cost about $2
I use Lugol's Iodine which I buy from on line from Plant Essentials, Queensland, Australia.
I got the Homeopathic kit from The Natural Vet's Sunshine Coast Queensland.
Unsure of dose. so I would give one drop and then another in about an hour, waiting to see the results. My dogs are about 10kg so that is about 2.5 times the weight of a cat(basing it on the old farmer story)
I make up their dog food from Dr Karen Becker's recipe and add Iodine instead of the kelp.
More Coming...
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